Monday, October 26, 2009

Outdoor Proposal!

Wow, can we say magic moment? This was SOOO much fun to film! Jeff and Corey have been friends of mine for a while and when Jeff approached me about filming the proposal, I was more than ecstatic! Sarah Pfeiffer and I went to scope out the location and put some plans in place with Jeff. We waited outside at James Arthur Vineyards until we saw them walk out and captured it all from the bushes.. what an emotional moment! Check out the video below and I can't wait to see the photos from Sarah!

From the Groom..
"This is the best video I've ever had in my life.. I can't tell you how perfect it is! You really captured one of the happiest moments in our life together, she is still on Cloud 9. Thank you sooo much! It turned out perfect and I couldn't have done it without you and Sarah. I cry every time I watch it!"

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