Sunday, January 17, 2010

Josh & Stephanie

What a rockin' Nea Years Eve! We were blessed to spend it with Stephanie and Josh in the small towns of Hebron and Deshler, NE. I got there a little early in hopes to get some great shots of the couple in the snow, and as always the fabulous Matt Elwood was two steps ahead, already in the car headed out to shoot! I included one his photos below too, from the road in the snow :) The ceremony was beautiful (her small veil covering her face was to die for!) and then they made an exciting exit outside the church to fireworks! The wedding party held sparklers while huge fireworks exploded in the background - it was amazing! We moved on to Deshler and one of our DJs had the reception hall rockin' all night, complete with the New Years countdown at midnight! Check out the wedding highlights below, along with Matt's photo! :)

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